In the post-industrialized Ruhr Metropolis in Germany, a regional Science Night, focusing on climate and sustainability is currently being developed by various partners. The event is organized by the Ruhr Regional Association with more than fifty partners, ranging from universities to research institutions, museums and companies.
Since the Ruhr Metropolis has always been a place for “Makers” of all kind the first Maker Faire in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia will be integrated into the Sciene Night. The event will take place in the cultural center Dortmunder U.
The Dortmund Mini Maker Faire – Ruhr is planned as a recurring and growing event in the Ruhr region, with the Science Night being the Pilot Activity of this new format. It will be combined with an “Innovative Citizen Week”, designed and conducted by Fraunhofer Umsicht Institute in Dortmund. This week will address stakeholders and citizens in Dortmund, focusing on participative urban development strategies. The Maker Faire is scheduled as a highlight at the end of this week, inviting a larger audience and more makers from Germany and beyond.